Monday, 13 May 2013

Intentional Change

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Change is something everyone is aware about. One can change for the better, or for worse. 

The believer should always strive to better himself to seek the pleasure of Allah (i.e. Paradise). Such a strive includes changing the evil one has into good, praiseworthy qualities.

In this article, we will look into a theory called Intentional Change Theory (which you will be familiar with, insya Allah). The aspect which you will find difficulty in grasping are only the terms used.

Richard Boyatzis, a professor at Case Western Reserve University, developed Intentional Change Theory (ICT) as part of his work on individual and organizational change. He published it in 2006 in the Journal of Management Development.
The theory outlines five common-sense steps that you need to follow if you want to make a lasting change within yourself. These five steps are:
  1. Discover your ideal self.
  2. Discover your real self.
  3. Create your learning agenda.
  4. Experiment with and practice new habits.
  5. Get support. (click here for more)

Visually, this is how it should look like:

Firstly, think where you want to be in the future (in this world and in the hereafter).

Compare that ideal self to your current self- are there differences* between the two states? If yes, then work on the differences and bridge the gap between your present self to the ideal self.

By closing up the differences, you are already on a learning agenda.

Familiarise yourself with the new (positive) changes. We as humans can fall back into our evil ways at times. Hence, we should quickly repent and seek forgiveness from Allah, the Most Merciful and Severe in punishment, coupled with regret for committing the sin, and strive to stick to the praiseworthy changes, with the willpower to never return to (commiting) the sin.

Don't forget to get help and support firstly from Allah (through supplications), and then from those whom you trust and are close with (In fact, we should get help and support throughout the change process,and not only at a later stage of change)

Remember that positive and praiseworthy changes come from Allah alone, and you (begiining with myself) should praise and give credits to Allah and not to ourselves. For if Allah wills that you do not change for the better (or change for worse), you will surely not change for good. 

Lastly, I remind myself and you to be sincere and have good noble intentions in our strive to make positive changes (i.e. pleasing Allah alone).

For more info on intentional change, please visit Mindtools.

Let's change for the better and look at how we can initiate that change.

* When comparing between our present state (in this world) with our ideal state in the hereafter (i.e. in Paradise), please note that there is a huge difference between the two states. So, what we can do is to look at the traits and qualities that qualify one for Paradise, after the mercy of Allah, and also look at those qualities that lands one into Hell, except for whomever Allah has saved from Hell. Then, we work towards attaining those praiseworthy traits and avoiding the evil traits.

A man is upon the way of his close intimate friend.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

What To Do In My Free-Time?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As Muslims who are aware of the reality of this wordly life (i.e. a temporary life), we should strive to attain good deeds in this life to attain the highest ranks in Paradise. This neccesitate that no day, hour, minute and second go by, except that we benefit them for the hereafter.

Beginning from myself, when it comes to having 'nothing' to do, we are lost as to how we should utilise that time. How would you be if you knew that that time (being benefitted) could be a means to save you from Allah's punishment and be admitted to Paradise? How would you be if that time could be a (positive) life-changer for you, after Allah's permission? How would you be.... And the list of bright possibilities go on and on and on...

Alright, you feeling kind of motivated to benefit from free-time? I found a simple and practical solution for those who are stuck on utilising their time-

List down whatever you thought of doing , but couldn't do at that particular time.


Umar is in a middle of his school project when a thought comes to him- I want to catch up with my brothers. So, he saves that thought in his smartphone, laptop, notes etc. When he is has 'no' outstanding tasks to be done (so he is free), he takes out his smartphone and sees that thing he wanted to do- catching up with his brothers in Islam. Then he contacts them and plans for a dine-out session with them on that very day (of course I am not encouraging last-minute invitations/gatherings).

I hope that was clear. I apologise for any confusion caused.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Time Is More Valuable Than Money/Wealth

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

   We praise Allah for granting us the ability to utilise the blessings He has given us in a way that is pleasing to Him, may He be Exalted. 

   Among the blessings man is given from His Creator is time and money. Time can be spent for beneficial purposes like visiting the sick, seeking knowledge, reflecting on oneself etc. Money/wealth also has many ways by which it could be put to good use, among them are building mosques, spending in charity, supporting one's family, buying beneficial books and clothes (to cover one's body) etc.

   In this post however, the discussion will not be on how to spend time and money appropriately. Instead, we will explore the difference between time and money- hopefully igniting the spark to pay great heed on how we use our time is this world (for the hereafter).

Time Vs Money

  •                                 Irreplaceable......................Possibly replaceable
  •                        Every person has it......................Not everyone is granted it
  •                      Only ends with death.....................Ends with death* and other events

   Since we know time is irreplaceable, and that each one of us is granted it, and that death is the only factor that will end our time by the permission of Allah, are we then giving the time we have been blessed with, its due right?

   I end off by supplicating to the One Who sent Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, to make this article a beneficial one and that it increases my scale of good deeds on the Day of Resurrection.

*As in the deceased will not be able to bring his wealth/money to the grave

Monday, 13 May 2013

Intentional Change

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Change is something everyone is aware about. One can change for the better, or for worse. 

The believer should always strive to better himself to seek the pleasure of Allah (i.e. Paradise). Such a strive includes changing the evil one has into good, praiseworthy qualities.

In this article, we will look into a theory called Intentional Change Theory (which you will be familiar with, insya Allah). The aspect which you will find difficulty in grasping are only the terms used.

Richard Boyatzis, a professor at Case Western Reserve University, developed Intentional Change Theory (ICT) as part of his work on individual and organizational change. He published it in 2006 in the Journal of Management Development.
The theory outlines five common-sense steps that you need to follow if you want to make a lasting change within yourself. These five steps are:
  1. Discover your ideal self.
  2. Discover your real self.
  3. Create your learning agenda.
  4. Experiment with and practice new habits.
  5. Get support. (click here for more)

Visually, this is how it should look like:

Firstly, think where you want to be in the future (in this world and in the hereafter).

Compare that ideal self to your current self- are there differences* between the two states? If yes, then work on the differences and bridge the gap between your present self to the ideal self.

By closing up the differences, you are already on a learning agenda.

Familiarise yourself with the new (positive) changes. We as humans can fall back into our evil ways at times. Hence, we should quickly repent and seek forgiveness from Allah, the Most Merciful and Severe in punishment, coupled with regret for committing the sin, and strive to stick to the praiseworthy changes, with the willpower to never return to (commiting) the sin.

Don't forget to get help and support firstly from Allah (through supplications), and then from those whom you trust and are close with (In fact, we should get help and support throughout the change process,and not only at a later stage of change)

Remember that positive and praiseworthy changes come from Allah alone, and you (begiining with myself) should praise and give credits to Allah and not to ourselves. For if Allah wills that you do not change for the better (or change for worse), you will surely not change for good. 

Lastly, I remind myself and you to be sincere and have good noble intentions in our strive to make positive changes (i.e. pleasing Allah alone).

For more info on intentional change, please visit Mindtools.

Let's change for the better and look at how we can initiate that change.

* When comparing between our present state (in this world) with our ideal state in the hereafter (i.e. in Paradise), please note that there is a huge difference between the two states. So, what we can do is to look at the traits and qualities that qualify one for Paradise, after the mercy of Allah, and also look at those qualities that lands one into Hell, except for whomever Allah has saved from Hell. Then, we work towards attaining those praiseworthy traits and avoiding the evil traits.

A man is upon the way of his close intimate friend.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

What To Do In My Free-Time?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As Muslims who are aware of the reality of this wordly life (i.e. a temporary life), we should strive to attain good deeds in this life to attain the highest ranks in Paradise. This neccesitate that no day, hour, minute and second go by, except that we benefit them for the hereafter.

Beginning from myself, when it comes to having 'nothing' to do, we are lost as to how we should utilise that time. How would you be if you knew that that time (being benefitted) could be a means to save you from Allah's punishment and be admitted to Paradise? How would you be if that time could be a (positive) life-changer for you, after Allah's permission? How would you be.... And the list of bright possibilities go on and on and on...

Alright, you feeling kind of motivated to benefit from free-time? I found a simple and practical solution for those who are stuck on utilising their time-

List down whatever you thought of doing , but couldn't do at that particular time.


Umar is in a middle of his school project when a thought comes to him- I want to catch up with my brothers. So, he saves that thought in his smartphone, laptop, notes etc. When he is has 'no' outstanding tasks to be done (so he is free), he takes out his smartphone and sees that thing he wanted to do- catching up with his brothers in Islam. Then he contacts them and plans for a dine-out session with them on that very day (of course I am not encouraging last-minute invitations/gatherings).

I hope that was clear. I apologise for any confusion caused.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Time Is More Valuable Than Money/Wealth

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

   We praise Allah for granting us the ability to utilise the blessings He has given us in a way that is pleasing to Him, may He be Exalted. 

   Among the blessings man is given from His Creator is time and money. Time can be spent for beneficial purposes like visiting the sick, seeking knowledge, reflecting on oneself etc. Money/wealth also has many ways by which it could be put to good use, among them are building mosques, spending in charity, supporting one's family, buying beneficial books and clothes (to cover one's body) etc.

   In this post however, the discussion will not be on how to spend time and money appropriately. Instead, we will explore the difference between time and money- hopefully igniting the spark to pay great heed on how we use our time is this world (for the hereafter).

Time Vs Money

  •                                 Irreplaceable......................Possibly replaceable
  •                        Every person has it......................Not everyone is granted it
  •                      Only ends with death.....................Ends with death* and other events

   Since we know time is irreplaceable, and that each one of us is granted it, and that death is the only factor that will end our time by the permission of Allah, are we then giving the time we have been blessed with, its due right?

   I end off by supplicating to the One Who sent Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, to make this article a beneficial one and that it increases my scale of good deeds on the Day of Resurrection.

*As in the deceased will not be able to bring his wealth/money to the grave